Monday 18 September 2017



-Straight lines of the ship and lights as focal points to replicate straight lines that kill the people.
- Pink elegant font font for title: -false sense of security
                                                    - juxtaposes what is to come
- At the start it gently fades between scenes.
- Singer is wearing red to foreshadow danger and death
- Singers hand gestures/ actions symbolize slicing and death
- Young girl sat by the flowers show innocence, she is also wearing white
- Direct mirroring of the shot of people on the top deck ( Birdseye view)
- Statue with all its limbs cut off
- Violin bows slice the air- foreshadowing
- Communication between both baddies ( eye level match)
- Wires are constantly introduced  to sub-consciously warn the viewer on what is to come .
- Circles spinning show the scene spinning out of control.
-Lights slicing the screen
- Shots chop and change as things get more intense - sounds get louder and music gets quieter
- You become the wire as it slices through the people

1 comment:

Stranger Things Representation Essay

One very evident representation shown within season 1, episode 1 of Stranger Things is the role of single mothers. Being a major character...