Wednesday, 1 November 2017

Frutella 'Too Juicy' advert

1) Who did you work with and how did you manage the task between you?
    I worked with Lee, Emily and Dan, I feel like we worked well together when creating 
    our advert. Each person was allocated a job so we all took a role on within the 
    production. We created our story board of shots and timings so that we could follow along
    without getting confused or missing a scene out.

2) How did you plan your sequence? What processes did you use?
    We screen grabbed each shot of the original advert and we then made a story board
    each shot and annotated it with how long each shot lasted and what kind of shot it was.

3) What theorists do you think you could apply to your task?

4) What factors did you have to take into account when planning, shooting and editing?
    We had to make sure each shot was the correct timings so that it fit with the music. 
    Dan had to lip sync to the music so therefore timings were very important. We also had 
    to make sure each shot was the same as in the original, the original video was put in the 
    right bottom corner so if it didn't match up then it would be obvious to tell.

5) How successful was your sequence? Please identify what worked well and with hindsight
    what would you improve/ do differently? 
    Our sequence was successful because all of the lip syncing matched up and each shot 
    resembled the original. We also managed to be creative and re make some shots that 
    were harder to shoot. To improve, our end shot could have linked up better with the
    original by getting the timings more accurate, and at the start, some shots were filmed 
    the wrong way round (back-to-front).

6) What did others say about your production?
    Others said that they enjoyed our production and were impressed at how we put together
    different shots to make it look the same as the original. They also said that we were
    imaginative with our creation and use of props.

7) What have you learnt from completing this task?
   From this task I have managed to learn how to structure and plan a production as part of a
   team. I have learnt how to put together story boards and I have discovered how correct
   correct timings are when producing. I have also developed my skills with in Adobe Premier
   when editing the advert.

8) Looking ahead, how will this learning be significant when completing your future
    This learning will really help my future productions as I am aware of my strengths and
    weaknesses on this task so therefore I know what to put extra time and care into next

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